Fertilization of eggs using the ICSI method with the Oosight system – spindle view (ICSI is always necessary)
Špeciálna mikroskopická technika, ktorá umožní zobraziť deliace vretienko vajíčka, čím umožní správne načasovanie opA special microscopic technique that enables the imaging of the mitotic spindle of the egg, thus allowing the correct timing of egg fertilization using the ICSI method. We recommend this procedure in patients over the age of 37, in women with low egg yield, in patients who had inadequate embryo development in the previous IVF cycle despite normal semen analysis parameters, in eggs that do not have an optimal microscopic image, when using cryopreserved eggs and in low percentage of fertilized eggs in the previous IVF-ICSI cycle.
* (ICSI is always necessary)