Services and prices

Diagnosing infertility

Discovering the actual cause of infertility is usually the first step in the process of implementing the solution. In Gyncare, we therefore pay special attention to comprehensive diagnostic services.

Getting pregnant isn’t always easy

Did you know that the human species has one of the weakest reproductive abilities of all the species of animals living on Earth?

The chance that a young and fertile couple conceives a child during an unprotected sexual intercourse in one month is only 17 percent and further declines after the age of 35.

When should you get an appointment?

If you have been trying to get pregnant for more than 12 months without success. After the age of 35, even after 6 months, and after the age of 40, it is not necessary to wait longer than 2-3 months.

What could be the problem?

When looking for the cause of infertility, it is very important to realize that this is an issue of the couple, not a purely male or female problem. It is natural to think of infertility as a common issue, as conceiving a baby requires both of you. This mindset can also help you overcome this difficult period more easily and allow you to get closer instead of growing further apart.

In addition to typical causes involving reproductive organs or sperm, infertility can also be caused by hormonal disorders, disorders of the genotype or immunology factors, not to mention the unhealthy lifestyle that often affects our lives more than we realize.


  • Samoplatca
NázovSuma na úhradu
Diagnostic services for women
Evaluation of reproductive indicatorsSuma na úhradu
60 €
60 €
60 €
60 €
Test of the ovarian reserve (AMH + AFC)Suma na úhradu
50 €
0 €
0 €
50 €
Gynecology ultrasound check-upSuma na úhradu
30 €
0 €
0 €
30 €
Ultrasound examination of fallopian tube patency (HyFoSy)Suma na úhradu
200 €
200 €
200 €
200 €
Uterine NK cell testSuma na úhradu
200 €
200 €
200 €
200 €
beREADY endometrial receptivity test (including sample collection)Suma na úhradu
700 €
700 €
700 €
700 €
Diagnostic services for men
Semen analysis
Comprehensive semen analysis following the WHO guidelinesSuma na úhradu
55 €
40 €
40 €
55 €
Advanced semen analysisSuma na úhradu
180 €
165 €
165 €
180 €
Comprehensive semen analysisSuma na úhradu
245 €
225 €
225 €
245 €
Functional sperm test
Test for sperm antibodies in ejaculateSuma na úhradu
30 €
30 €
30 €
30 €
Genetic/immunological/urological consultationSuma na úhradu
50 €
50 €
50 €
50 €
Diagnostic services for couples
Postcoital test - sample collectionSuma na úhradu
50 €
50 €
50 €
50 €
Collection of venous bloodSuma na úhradu
5 €
5 €
Serology package ( HBsAg, HIV, syphilis, anti-HCV and anti-HBC total)Suma na úhradu
45 €
45 €

We help couples fulfill their dream of having a baby. 20 years of experience in assisted reproduction.

Book a consultation appointment and we will help you as well.

We will be glad to welcome you to our Gyncare assisted reproduction clinics in Nitra or Košice

BOOK A CONSULTATION APPOINTMENT 0800 300 000 / Po-Pia: 7.30-15.300800 300 000 Po-Pia: 7.00-15.30 BOOK A CONSULTATION APPOINTMENT
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