Services and prices

Infertility treatment

In Gyncare, we use state-of-the-art treatment procedures and the most effective tools and methods to achieve the desired pregnancy. We approach each pair individually.


  • Samoplatca
NázovSuma na úhradu
Intrauterine insemination with the partner's sperm - IUISuma na úhradu
250 €
250 €
250 €
250 €
Intrauterine insemination with donor sperm (IUD)Suma na úhradu
500 €
500 €
500 €
500 €
Monitoring of ovulation or response to hormonal ovarian stimulationSuma na úhradu
50 €
50 €
50 €
50 €
Intraovarial application of ACRS/PRP including general anaesthesiaSuma na úhradu
500 €
500 €
500 €
500 €
Intrauterine PRP applicationSuma na úhradu
250 €
250 €
250 €
250 €
Monitoring within the scope of the stimulation (IVF, IUI) - for foreign patientsSuma na úhradu
250 €
250 €
250 €
250 €
Standard IVF cycle (oocyte retrieval and embryo transfer after a short 3-day embryo culture under anesthesia)Suma na úhradu
1 200 €
0 €
0 €
1 200 €
Standard IVF cycle without embryo transfer to the uterusSuma na úhradu
900 €
0 €
0 €
900 €
Oocyte retrieval with failure to acquire any oocytes
Interruption of the cycle before oocyte retrievalSuma na úhradu
190 €
0 €
0 €
190 €
IVF - soft cycle (short-term hormonal stimulation using lower doses)
IVF - native cycle (without hormonal stimulation)
Oocyte retrieval with embryo transferSuma na úhradu
900 €
0 €
0 €
900 €
Oocyte retrieval without embryo transferSuma na úhradu
700 €
0 €
0 €
700 €
Oocyte retrieval with failure to acquire any oocytesSuma na úhradu
420 €
0 €
0 €
420 €
Interruption of the cycle before oocyte retrievalSuma na úhradu
180 €
0 €
0 €
180 €
Additional charge for general anesthesia at OPU (oocyte pick-up)Suma na úhradu
50 €
0 €
0 €
50 €
Duostim IVF cycle Suma na úhradu
1 600 €
550 €
550 €
1 600 €
Transport of biological material
Administrative fee for the preparation of documentation for the transport of biological material between tissue processing facilities - in Slovakia (over 30 km), including storage of the transported biological material for 1 yearSuma na úhradu
200 €
200 €
200 €
200 €
Administrative fee for the preparation of documents for the transport of biological material between tissue processing facilities - abroad (within EU)Suma na úhradu
600 €
600 €
600 €
600 €
Administrative fee for the preparation of documents for the transport of biological material between tissue processing facilities - abroad (outside the EU)Suma na úhradu
900 €
900 €
900 €
900 €
Embryo donation program
Cryoembryotransfer of the donated embryo (donated oocyte + donated sperm), 1 blastocyst guaranteedSuma na úhradu
1800 €
1800 €
1800 €
1800 €
Cryoembryotransfer of a donated embryo (donated oocyte + donated sperm), 1 genetically-tested blastocyst guaranteedSuma na úhradu
2 500 €
2 500 €
2 500 €
2 500 €
Receipt of donor sperm within the scope of IVFSuma na úhradu
250 €
250 €
250 €
250 €
Reservation of a donor embryo for 1 yearSuma na úhradu
120 €
120 €
120 €
120 €
Reservation of donor sperm for 1 yearSuma na úhradu
120 €
120 €
120 €
120 €
Donor programs
BASAL program
The cycle with payment by the health insurance company (HIC) / The cycle without payment by the HICSuma na úhradu
4600 €
2900 €
2900 €
4600 €
Cryopreservation of the first embryo Suma na úhradu
180 €
180 €
180 €
180 €
Cryopreservation of each additional straw with an embryo Suma na úhradu
80 €
80 €
80 €
80 €
The cycle with reimbursement by the health insurance company (HIC) / The cycle without reimbursement by the HIC Suma na úhradu
5100 €
3400 €
3400 €
5100 €
Cryopreservation of each additional straw with an embryo Suma na úhradu
70 €
70 €
70 €
70 €
The cycle with reimbursement by the health insurance company (HIC) / The cycle without reimbursement by the HICSuma na úhradu
6300 €
4400 €
4400 €
6300 €
A higher number of oocytes in programs with DO guaranteedSuma na úhradu
400 €
400 €
400 €
400 €
IVF consultations
Repeated consultation at the request of patients in the Slovak languageSuma na úhradu
60 €
60 €
60 €
60 €
Consultation for couples conducted in a foreign language (IVF coordinator)Suma na úhradu
100 €
100 €
100 €
100 €
Consultation for couples conducted in a foreign language (physician)Suma na úhradu
200 €
200 €
200 €
200 €
Online consultation conducted in a foreign language (Teams, WhatsApp, etc.)Suma na úhradu
60 €
60 €
60 €
60 €
Complex of consulting activities for foreign patientsSuma na úhradu
250 €
250 €
250 €
250 €

We help couples fulfill their dream of having a baby. 20 years of experience in assisted reproduction.

Book a consultation appointment and we will help you as well.

We will be glad to welcome you to our Gyncare assisted reproduction clinics in Nitra or Košice

BOOK A CONSULTATION APPOINTMENT 0800 300 000 / Po-Pia: 7.30-15.300800 300 000 Po-Pia: 7.00-15.30 BOOK A CONSULTATION APPOINTMENT
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