Procedures performed during IVF

Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection (ICSI) of 4 or more oocytes

Intracytoplazmatická injekcia spermie (ICSI) je oplodnenie vajíčka priamym vpichnutím spermie do vnútra zrelého

Intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) is an egg fertilization procedure by direct injection of sperm into the centre of a mature egg. Sperm is selected on the basis of its shape and motility, or it is possible to add one of the sperm selection methods before performing the ICSI itself.
ICSI is recommended for disorders detected during semen analysis, unexplained infertility, older patients aged over 37, endometriosis in the woman or if previous IVF has not adequately fertilized eggs during the standard fertilization procedure.

* Union HIC and meeting of indication criteria payment 200 €

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