Gyncare – the most trusted brand of 2022
Gyncare wins a major award
Gyncare has become the most trusted brand of 2022 in the Assisted Reproduction Centers category.
This is a decision of respondents with previous experience with assisted reproduction centers in the 7th year of the annual marketing program titled Dôveryhodné značky 2022 (English: Trusted Brands 2022). Find more details at

MUDr. Robert Vetrák MPH, Executive Director of Gyncare – Centre for Assisted Reproduction personally accepted the award at a gala dinner held at the Radisson Blu Carlton Bratislava hotel on 1st December this year. “The award is the hallmark of our responsible hard work and of delivering quality in the provision of healthcare to our patients. I am immensely proud of the teams working in both our clinical centers for everything we have achieved recently. And I am genuinely pleased that our progress and achievements are getting noticed also by external stakeholders, which has essentially brought us this award. It will be a major incentive driving us to push the envelope even further,” emphasized Gyncare Director.

“We wish to extend our thanks to all the evaluators for their trust. We tremendously appreciate that patients are satisfied with our work. After all, in assisted reproduction, the patient’s trust in medical staff is of utmost importance. In fact, it is absolutely vital in achieving the desired goal, which is the birth of a healthy baby. Encouraged by this appraisal, we will certainly continue in our work with even greater enthusiasm, believing that at the end of the process, there will be an increasing number of happy-ending stories of our patients,” adds doc. MUDr. Silvia Toporcerová, PhD., MBA, Gyncare’s Medical Director.

The survey conducted by the Dôveryhodné značky marketing program is supervised by NielsenIQ, based on a unique and transparent research project which comprises the assessment by 2000 Slovak respondents who are divided into socio-demographic categories.