Success stories

Little Heňko, Ľubka and Henrich the dad

Ľubomíra’s journey took 10 long years. At the end of the journey, there is her beautiful son, Henrich.

“We had been trying to conceive a baby for 10 long years. The doctors kept telling us that we were both fine, that it only needs time. You know, Slovak healthcare… However, one day I ended in my old job and suddenly I had a little more time for myself. So I suggested to my husband that we could try it at least once in Gyncare in Košice. Well, we had agreed before that we would not undergo an IVF treatment, because we did not want to force the pregnancy and it required a lot of strength, patience and, last but not least, money. But let me tell you, people, don’t put it off and address these problems as soon as you possibly can. We wasted a lot of precious time for nothing. And believe me, it’s really worth the joy.

So my husband and I, we thought that we would try at least one IVF cycle so that we wouldn’t blame ourselves for not doing everything we could to have the baby we yearned for so much. And Gyncare offers many possibilities indeed. We started visiting Gyncare in Košice, specifically we saw the excellent Dr. Herman. He has been working in this field for many years and is a top expert. And, by the way, he also has a very good sense of humor.

We went through basic check-ups and tests, I underwent a minor surgical procedure, hormonal treatment and there we went to embark on the IVF cycle. If someone had told me before that it would work on the very first try, I would have knocked on the Gyncare reception door a long time ago.

And thanks to Dr. Herman and the whole team of the center, today we have a beautiful 3-month-old baby boy Henrich at home. We thank you wholeheartedly and wish every single couple which decides to see you to end up with such a positive experience with your facility as we did.

With the best possible regards, Heňko, Ľubka and Henrich the dad 🥰👨‍👩‍👦

We help couples fulfill their dream of having a baby. 20 years of experience in assisted reproduction.

Book a consultation appointment and we will help you as well.

We will be glad to welcome you to our Gyncare assisted reproduction clinics in Nitra or Košice

BOOK A CONSULTATION APPOINTMENT 0800 300 000 / Po-Pia: 7.30-15.300800 300 000 Po-Pia: 7.00-15.30 BOOK A CONSULTATION APPOINTMENT
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