Services and prices

Reproductive immunology

Getting pregnant may not always be easy. Any malfunction of your immune system can cause an obstacle on the way to your desired child.

The immune system plays an important role in the conception of healthy fetus and bearing of the full term. Immune system disorders may represent one of the factors causing infertility in couples. Statistics indicate that the immunological factor is responsible for infertility in about 3-5% of couples, while in case of idiopathic infertility, repeated failures of embryo implant in the uterus and in repeated early miscarriages, it can be a much higher percentage (about 20%).

An expert from the center of assisted reproduction will recommend the couple an immunological consultation in the cases where previous tests and assessments (anatomical, gynecological, hormonal, genetic, etc.) are within the norm but the patient repeatedly fails to get pregnant.

Indications for assessment by an immunologist:

  1. Women after two spontaneous miscarriages, regardless of age.

  2. If a viable fetus is not conceived or delivered after two or more transfers of the embryo to the uterus.

  3. In a confirmed autoimmune disease in the female patient.

Both partners undergo an assessment by an immunologist. There are a large number of evaluation and testing methods in reproductive immunology. Their selection is up to the specialist in immunology.

Immunological diagnostics focuses on the detection of possible chronic untreated infections, allergies, food intolerance and a thorough immunological screening is performed. It consists of antibody and cellular immunity testing and other specialized tests.

After summarizing all the completed assessments and after consulting a physician from the center for assisted reproduction, the immunologist determines the diagnosis and suggests an individual treatment procedure. In some cases, it is enough to treat one of the partners, but often both partners get treatment. It usually begins before conception and continues until a certain stage of pregnancy. Specific preparation is necessary in cases of repeated failures of embryo implantation in the uterus.

In Gyncare, we work with reputable immunologists who are available to consult our patients.

Consultations by external specialists

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Immunological consultationSuma na úhradu
50 €
50 €
50 €
50 €

We help couples fulfill their dream of having a baby. 20 years of experience in assisted reproduction.

Book a consultation appointment and we will help you as well.

We will be glad to welcome you to our Gyncare assisted reproduction clinics in Nitra or Košice

BOOK A CONSULTATION APPOINTMENT 0800 300 000 / Po-Pia: 7.30-15.300800 300 000 Po-Pia: 7.00-15.30 BOOK A CONSULTATION APPOINTMENT
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