Services and prices

Eggs donation/sperm

By donating your germ cells, you can help couples who otherwise could not have a child on their own. At the same time, you will learn more about your reproductive health by undergoing various tests.

A child is the greatest gift. However, if nature seems to fail, the desire for one’s own child becomes a major test of courage and perseverance. By donating your eggs or sperms, you can help couples who otherwise could not have a child of their own. At the same time, you will learn more about your reproductive health, as you will have to undergo genetic tests, sexually transmitted disease tests or ovarian reserve tests in women and spermiogram in men to be included in the donor program.

Do you want to become a egg donation/sperm donor?

Conditions applicable to a woman

  1. age from 21 to 32 years,
  2. no severe diseases,
  3. BMI (body mass index) maximum 28,
  4. minimum level of education attained: secondary school with a graduation exam.

Conditions applicable to a men

  1. age from 18 to 34 years,
  2. health condition without serious illnesses (including congenital and mental),
  3. minimum level of education attained: secondary school with a graduation exam.

We help couples fulfill their dream of having a baby. 20 years of experience in assisted reproduction.

Book a consultation appointment and we will help you as well.

We will be glad to welcome you to our Gyncare assisted reproduction clinics in Nitra or Košice

BOOK A CONSULTATION APPOINTMENT 0800 300 000 / Po-Pia: 7.30-15.300800 300 000 Po-Pia: 7.00-15.30 BOOK A CONSULTATION APPOINTMENT
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