Individual cultivation of embryos in a chamber incubator
Pri kultivácii embryí vo viackomorovom inkubátore má každá pacientka k dispozícii maličkú komôrku inkubátora lWhen culturing embryos in a multi-chamber incubator, each patient has a tiny incubator chamber dedicated to her own embryos only. In contrast to conventional culturing, it is not necessary to disturb the optimal atmosphere, which is essential for the correct cell division […]
Pri kultivácii embryí vo viackomorovom inkubátore má každá pacientka k dispozícii maličkú komôrku inkubátora lWhen culturing embryos in a multi-chamber incubator, each patient has a tiny incubator chamber dedicated to her own embryos only. In contrast to conventional culturing, it is not necessary to disturb the optimal atmosphere, which is essential for the correct cell division of embryos whenever the embryologist needs to check the embryos of a different patient. The permanent atmosphere in the incubator thus improves the early embryonic development of the embryos, and thus improves the chances of their implantation and further development in the uterus.